Project 4: Net Neutrality: Letter to Government Rep


Dear Senator Todd Young,

I write this letter today as a concerned citizen over the current trend toward deregulation in the quest for economic growth, specifically the current threat to net neutrality. As a member of society and as an individual who values the services and conveniences of information and digital access, I truly do believe and support in the investment in services providers and the facilitation of competition in the industry. However, the current regulations that enforce net neutrality are put in place because of the potential in the abuse and customer/market manipulation that the industry is susceptible to. The current regulations give a voice to the public and individual customers that at times have been systematically put at a disadvantage by these companies. The cultivation of the industry should come about through innovative means and not through the dialing of already existing services that strong arm the public for capital gain.

The statements made by the Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, about the elimination of current regulations and replacing them with “voluntary pledges” by broad band providers still uphold net neutrality is an absolutely ridiculous suggestion. Good faith, being used as a standard of regulation, is unrealistic and frankly an insult to a public that expects these regulators to be the firm voice of justice and fairness. Ethical business practices in an industry so large and profit driven is a complete fantasy and it is naive to assume, resources will not be diverted into bypassing these lax regulations in the pursuit of either eliminating competition, pressuring customers into unfair spending, or simply profit maximization. The very unfortunate fact that the public is not aware and up in arms about this impending violation, is not reason enough to not fight against it.

It is up to you, in office, those elected to advocate for the masses in a manner that protects us from discriminatory and abusive practices that these bigger than life and powerful companies are capable of. Net neutrality might not be a voter pressing issue, and it might not be of immediate interest to those in office but it is a cause worthy of evaluation and worthy of a fight. Therefore, I as a voter and an advocate of fairness, plead with you to consider this issue and take all actions necessary to ensure the public is protected by the institutions put in place to do so.


Betel Ali

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